Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-WestfalenThe Stiftung Umwelt & Entwicklung NRW supported various major projects of The Global Experience over the past years, including the Youth in Dialogue program, the International Reporters project as well as this website. |
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Engagement Global Engagement Global supports The Global Experience’s activities in various ways. With the ENSA program and the Konkreter Friedensdienst program Engagement Global regularly supports our school exchange programs. The Engagement Global’s FEB program currently supports our project “Life back Home”. |
Katholischer Fonds The Katholischer Fonds (Catholic Funds) regularly supports our international youth conferences and school exchange programs. |
Easy Languages Easy Languages is a global network of video producers who produce videos for language learning and intercultural exchange. The project first originated at a media workshop of The Global Experience at Schillergymnasium Münster, when German students produced videos to interview people in the streets of Münster. |
Zweitzeugen e.V. ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. documents tells the stories Holocaust survival to encourage young people from all educational backgrounds to take an in-depth look at the history of National Socialism and to actively work against racism and for diversity today. With our project Life Back Home we’ve been collaborating with Zweitzeugen since 2020. We organized collaborative school workshops to tell the stories of refugees from the time of National Socialism and today. |
A Shipena Secondary School The A. Shipena Secondary School partners with The Global Experience and the Schillergymnasium Münster to realise an intercultural student exchange. Learners from Germany and Namibia form friendships and work together in various projects towards the Sustainable Development Goals. |
Nise - School for Hearing Impaired The Nise-School for Hearing Impaired in Windhoek (Namibia) partners with The Global Experience to realise an intercultural student exchange. Learners from Germany and Namibia form friendships and work together in various projects towards the Sustainable Development Goals. |